How glucose levels Impact motivation: Tips for stress-free mindfulness
The relationship between blood glucose levels and sleep quality
The quality of our sleep is directly related to our blood glucose levels. This post discusses how your sleep can both increase and lower your blood glucose levels and offers tips for promoting quality sleep.
How glucose levels can affect your stress and anxiety
Can glucose levels affect stress and anxiety? Learn how elevated glucose levels can impact your mental well-being and how coaching and lifestyle changes can help
Why should you monitor your insulin?
Let's figure it out together!
Do I really need to know my blood glucose if I’m healthy?
Sleep trackers, heart rate monitors, calorie counters and pedometers can be seen on people all around the world today, but this is only the beginning.
How blood sugar affects your memory
Scientists have found a link between the activity of the memory center in the brain and blood sugar levels
Can ultra-processed food make us anxious?
Perhaps the cause of mental disorders is not all in the psyche